Keeping Open Source 101 Accessible and Affordable
For more than 12 years now, keeping our events affordable and accessible has been a priority, and we’re proud the tradition continues all these years later.
After all, how can you expect new people to enter the industry and contribute to/consume open source if only a handful of people can afford to attend events?
Events are a great way to not only learn new technologies and processes, but they create networking opportunities that often lead to career advancement opportunities. In short, they are a “gateway” that to us, should be accessible to anyone interested.
However, events are also very expensive to host. Just ask anyone that has ever jumped in for the first time. Many soon realize the water is much deeper than expected and the costs far greater.
When you register for Open Source 101 or All Things Open, or anything we host for that matter, you’re helping keep costs low and reduce barriers to entry. In return, we pledge to continue to prioritize accessibility and structure events accordingly. We’ve got a 12 year track record under our belt to prove it.
We sincerely thank everyone that pays $49, $99 or whatever you can afford to help out. It makes what we do possible and creates opportunity for many in the process.