Joshua Carlisle
Josh Carlisle is a Microsoft MVP in Azure and an engineer with AppDynamics. Based out of Raleigh, North Carolina he has been engaging with the developer community for more than half of his professional career. With over 20 years of development and consulting experience, he is currently focused on Microsoft Azure and Azure's Serverless offerings. He is also a co-organizer for the Triangle Serverless and .Net Meetups. He enjoys sharing his knowledge and experience at developer community events throughout the world.
Deb Nicholson
Deb Nicholson is the Director of Community Operations at the Software Freedom Conservancy where she supports the work of its member organizations and facilitates collaboration with the wider free software community. After years of local organizing on free speech, marriage equality, government transparency and access to the political process, she joined the free software movement in 2006. Since then she has served as the Membership Coordinator for the Free Software Foundation and as the Community Outreach Director for the Open Invention Network, a shared defensive patent pool for free and open source software. She’s also won the O’Reilly Open Source [...]
Jim Jagielski
Jim Jagielski is a well known and acknowledged expert and visionary in Open Source, an accomplished coder, and frequent engaging presenter on all things Open, Web and Cloud related. As a developer, he’s made substantial code contributions to just about every core technology behind the Internet and Web and in 2012 was awarded the O’Reilly Open Source Award and in 2015 received the Innovation Luminary Award from the EU. He is likely best known as one of the developers and co-founders of the Apache Software Foundation, where he has previously served as both Chairman and President and where he’s been [...]
Venil Noronha
Venil Noronha is an engineer with the Open Source Technology Center at VMware. He primarily contributes upstream to Open Source projects in the Service Mesh domain like Istio and Envoy Proxy. In the past, he has contributed to several Open Source projects including Kubernetes, Spring, and Golang.
Kevin Xu
Kevin is a software developer on the Search & Segmentation team at Mailchimp, where he builds robust, performant systems that help small businesses thrive. Previously, he worked on the Ecommerce team creating integrations with platforms like Shopify, and built Product Recommendations, a feature that used customer purchase patterns to recommend similar products. Before joining Mailchimp, Kevin graduated with a BS in Computer Science from Yale University.
Jigyasa Grover
Red Hat Women in Open Source Academic Award Winner 2017, Google Summer of Code alumna and currently a Machine Learning Engineer at Twitter Inc., Jigyasa Grover is an ardent open source enthusiast and aspires to inspire a powerful bunch of girls and boys alike and help bridge gender gap in technology.
Brent Laster
Brent Laster is a global trainer, presenter, and the author of the books Professional Git and Jenkins 2: Up and Running: Evolve Your Deployment Pipeline for Next Generation Automation. In his day job, he is a senior manager of software development in SAS’s Research and Development Division, based in Cary, North Carolina, where he manages several groups involved with cloud technology development, security, SaaS, and internal tooling. He also serves as a resource for the use of open source technologies and contributes to enterprise DevOps development. Brent also develops and presents training and workshops for a wide variety of technical [...]
Dave Stokes
Dave Stokes is a MySQL Community Manager for Oracle Corporation and started at MySQL as a PHP Developer in the MySQL Certification Group. He lives in Texas, is the author of MySQL and JSON: A Practical Programming Guide
Garth Henson
Garth has been working professionally as a software engineer in web for over a decade and has enjoyed roles spanning from start-ups and educational institutions to enterprise level architecture for Fortune 500 companies. Currently working as a Lead Engineer for The Walt Disney Company, he is primarily engaged in application design and architecture on high profile and extremely high volume UX layers, both in the client as well as on the server. Garth is married to the love of his life, and they live with their five children in North Carolina. When he is not coloring or playing the Switch [...]
Grant Ingersoll
Grant Ingersoll is the CTO and co-founder of Lucidworks, co-author of Taming Text, co-founder of Apache Mahout and a long-standing committer on the Apache Lucene and Solr open source projects. Grant’s experience includes engineering a variety of search, question answering, and natural language processing applications for a variety of domains and languages.